Monday, August 06, 2007

Sunday has passed....and I'm only here to say this....this week could not have rocked any better...the WHOLE WEEK!

My 1-week Polyclinic posting just ended.
Got to know this girl fairly well, and yeahh..Baybeats!

Went to BayBeats twice, Saturday and Sunday....
The crowd on Saturday rocked 2000 times better than Sunday's...
Too bad I didn't bring alsong my camera on that day, so mostly those are Sunday's pic of BayBeats.

Made friends with this girl named Cassandra and we were shouting really crazy all the way at the front! We Rocked!
She was Malay though...maybe I got her name wrong!
Should have asked for a pic with her...

Anyway, during Baybeats, I also got several stuff thrown form the performers, from picks, badges to stickers...I'm happy!
Those picks were given to me by Shahril and Faiza cos I was too blind to catch one during the throw...thanks guys.

Well, what are yo waiting for...go view those pics!
